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Janet in a Nutshell

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Nodes .........................................................................................
The Central ................................................................................
Applications with Capabilities and Agents ............................
Commands and Interpreters ....................................................
The System Application ...........................................................
Object Spaces ...........................................................................
Event Registries ........................................................................
Defining a Command-Interpreter Pair ....................................
Sending a Command ...............................................................
Ontologies and ACLs ...............................................................


Suspendable Interpreters .........................................................
Distributor-Observer-Executor Triad .......................................
Load Determination ..................................................................
Queue Size Categories and Capability Queue Sizes ..........
Load Balancing vs. Load Sharing ...........................................
Open Issues ...............................................................................
Future Directions .......................................................................

Suspendable Interpreters

Balancing load in Janet is done by suspending executing interpreters and evicting them to nodes with a matching capability. When defining an interpreter the user has the choice to implement either the regular IInterpreter interface provided by Janet.CAS or the derived IWorkloadBalancingInterpreter interface provided by Janet.ADÉ. Only interpreters that implement the IWorkloadBalancingInterpreter interface can be suspended and re-started. Janet.ADÉ will detect load imbalances and level them out by evicting commands of suspendable interpreters as required. This process is automatic and transparent. However, the user has to implement the functionality to suspend and interpreter. For this reason, load balancing in Janet is said to be semi-transparent. When the system requests an interpreter to suspend the user has to terminate execution and write context information back into the interpreter's command. The command is then evicted to some other executor where a different interpreter, defined at the destination executor to execute the received command, resumes execution with the context stored in the command.

Janet does not level out load imbalances by migrating agents. Instead it evicts commands. This may appear astonishing at first sight, but has many advantages. There is no severe security problem as with mobile agents. To make migration of mobile agents as safe as theoretically possible a lot of CPU power is consumed for encryption and decryption of the agent. Furthermore, evicting entire agents is costly in many ways. Firstly, the agent has to be transferred with all its commands and permanent data. Secondly, it has to be deregistered from the origin node and registered at the destination node. This is a time consuming process which makes immediate response to load changes unnecessarily slower. In addition, when evicting individual commands instead of entire agents load can be balanced at a finer level of granularity.

Executor-Observer-Distributor Triad

Three different kind of nodes are defined to accomplish load balancing. The different roles of these nodes are defined by adding an extra capability to their system application. An executor node carries user defined applications. If the user wants her application to benefit from agent load balancing, she adds suspendable interpreters to her application's capabilities. Then her interpreters are visible to the load balancing system and will be considered for eviction.

Every workstation in a cluster needs to have a single observer node. The sole purpose of an observer is to observe the workstation's CPU load. If a certain CPU load threshold value is exceeded or fallen below the distributor node is notified. In the former case the distributor will make all commands of all executor nodes on the workstation be evicted to other executor nodes with matching capabilities on other workstations (full eviction). In the later case all executor nodes on the workstation the observer resides on are re-considered for hosting evicted commands from other workstation's executor nodes.

An executor informs the distributor node whenever its load changes. When the distributor sees that an executor is about to change to the idle state it evicts a suspendable interpreter from a different executor on another node with executing or waiting suspendable interpreters of matching capability (partial eviction). This approach is called recipient-initiated eviction (the opposite is called sender-initiated eviction). The executor receives a command from the distributor to evict an interpreter of a specific capability. The executor's interpreter that suspends the user's interpreter is added to the executor's CORE capability to make sure it is executed with highest priority, thus being able to interrupt the user's interpreter in order to suspend and evict it.  

Load Determination

There are several algorithms to detect load in a cluster. Several of these algorithms are mentioned in the thesis. One way to quantify a system's load is to determine the length of the list of running processes. This approach is called ShortestQueue. Since commands in Janet are placed in queues and then processed sequentially it is easy to determine the overall queue length of an executor. This makes applying the ShortestQueue algorithm in Janet straight-forward, which is one reason this algorithm was chosen. Another reason is that it delivers good results and does not require additional information from the Java virtual machine that is difficult to obtain without changing the virtual machine or host operating system.

Queue Size Categories and Capability Queue Sizes

As mentioned earlier in the text an executor notifies the distributor whenever its load changes. Notifying the distributor whenever any of the executor's queue changes in length would result in considerable command traffic in the cluster. To reduce command traffic Queue Size Categories (QSCs) are introduced, which allow classification of queue lengths. The distributor only receives a load change notification from the executor when the executor changes QSC. The user may define several QSCs for her executor node.

        <queueSizeCategory name="0" maxWaitingCommands="0"
="0" concatenationOperator="and"
      <queueSizeCategory name="1" maxWaitingCommands="0"
="1" concatenationOperator="and"
      <queueSizeCategory name="2" maxWaitingCommands="2"
="1" concatenationOperator="or"
      <queueSizeCategory name="3" maxWaitingCommands="3"
="1" concatenationOperator="and"
      <queueSizeCategory name="4" maxWaitingCommands="20"   
="3" concatenationOperator="or"
      <queueSizeCategory name="5" maxWaitingCommands="20"
="3" concatenationOperator="and"

Figure 11: Sample executor's QSC definition

Figure 11 shows a sample executor's QSC definition. A QSC definition must always have a QSC named "0" (QSC0), which is considered by the system to represent the idle state, and a QSC named "1" (QSC1), which is considered the state by the system where the executor is just about to become idle. Additional QSCs are optional. It is recommended to define more QSCs than only QSC0 and QSC1. QSCs can be defined individually per node and workstation. By defining the same QSCs for different executors or workstations individually the user has a means to reflect different performance of different hardware.

Applications and capabilities are convenient for partitioning an agent's executable part. However, these elements make finding a decision how to react to a load change more effortful. To find an executor with least load to accept an evicted command the distributor needs to consider all nodes' QSCs and it needs to make sure that candidate executor nodes dispose of the required capabilities. To address the later issue the concept of Capability Queue Size (CQS) has been introduced. The CQS of an executor is the sum of the number of all executing or waiting commands of all agents on an executor of a specific capability. Whenever an executor changes QSC it attaches a list with the current CQS values of all its capabilities to the notification command sent to the distributor. When looking for the least loaded suitable executor a distributor combines QSCs and CQSs of the cluster's executors to make an eviction decision. For further details the interested user is referred to the thesis document.

Load Balancing vs. Load Sharing

Janet.ADÉ supports both load balancing and load sharing. Load balancing means that a suspendable interpreter can be suspended during execution and re-started at some other location whenever the system wants to balance load. Load sharing means that an interpreter before it is executed is sent by the distributor to a node with lowest load and matching capability where it is started and then runs to completion (initial placement). The system applies load balancing on an interpreter when the user implements the IWorkloadBalancingInterpreter interface for it. It applies load sharing on an interpreter when the user implements the IWorkloadSharingInterpreter interface. In case several distributors exist in a cluster the distribution process for load sharing interpreters will receive a speedup. At the time of writing load balancing does not benefit from more than one distributor in the cluster since the required coordination between distributors for load balancing has not been implemented so far.

Open Issues

There are several open issued that need to be closed till the first version of the system can leave the beta state (besides doing some more testing). The most important issues are listed below:
  • Agent aliasing: In the current state of the system a remote agent has to be narrowed by specifying its complete physical location consisting of node loaction, application name, capability name, and agent name. Alternatively, an agent needs to be addressable through an alias.
  • There are scalability issues that need to be dealt with, because in Janet every node has full information in it registry about all the applications with their capabilities and agents that exist on other node. Whenever a node's registry information changes the change has to be propagated to all other nodes. Since every node in Janet is connected with every other node the message traffic increases for propagating registry changes by order of faculty. Some kind of page fault mechanism for agent lookup is considered to improve scalability.
  • Observers are currently running in simulated mode. They do not retrieve the workstation's CPU load from the host operating system somehow. Using simulated observers is very effective when testing the system since it is easy to create any kind of load change scenarios. Nevertheless, for load balancing to be based on true load changes caused by threads outside of Janet "real" observers have to be implemented.
  • At the moment interpreters once their execution has been started run to completion. An agent can therefore not respond to an external event until the currently executing interpreter has finished execution. There are several approaches possible to address this issue.  For example, JADE applies "interleaving of conversations". The mechanism in Janet is not clear so far. A solution could be that interpreters executed in response to exported events are processed by an agent with the use of a higher prioritized scheduler.

Future Directions

The future plan for Janet is to publish it and look for developers that would like to join in to add new functionality or improve conceptual issues. It is planned to make Janet ready for J2EE by using technologies such as JMS (and eventually XML-RPC for interoperability with non-Java systems), JNDI, JMX. Janet could be integrated with an open source application server such as JBoss. A true clustering solution that supports failover could be implemented as a research project. Security has to be added so that only commands are accepted from trusted sources and can only be sent to trusted destinations on a secure connection. Functionality could be added to make agents migrate as well. This would make sense to react to imbalances in memory usage rather than to react to imbalances in CPU consumption. There are plenty of ideas of how to continue with the development of Janet. Only time and resources are needed ...

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