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Janet Distributions

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  Latest Version  -  General  |  Installation  |  Building


At the time of writing Janet has only been tested under Windows NT/2000/XP. Although there is no reason to believe that it might not run on other operating systems for which at least the JDK1.3 is available, no statement can be made that it will run on untested platforms. However, testing Janet on Linux is an item with high priority.

Since agent-to-agent communication in Janet is based on RMI, workstations running Janet nodes must not be shielded from each other by a firewall for agents being able to communicate across workstation boundaries.


To install the binaries download the applicable janet-<version>-bin.{zip/tar.gz} archive from the versions section and  decompress it to some directory on your hard drive. If you are interested in building the application as well (see section building), it is recommended to decompress the archive to c:\janet when using Windows. If you choose another location you have to change the path variables in the <janet>/build/build.properties file appriopriately before building the application. You are now ready to use Janet on the workstation where you have decompressed the archive with the binaries.

Running Janet On Multiple Workstations

If you want to use Janet on multiple workstations the node descriptor files on every workstation have to be changed to point to the workstation where the central is supposed to run. If you install Janet on a shared drive you only have to edit the node descriptors once. The node descriptor files are defined in XML and are located in <janet>/conf.  The node descriptor file defines the behavior of  a node by specifying its capabilities. By defining capabilities a node's role can be specified without having to compile code. In all node descriptor files in
<janet>/conf change all occurences of 'localhost' to the name of the workstation where the central is intended to reside. You can now start up nodes on every workstation where Janet is installed. Make sure that the central is started up first.


Downloading Build Archive

To make a build of Janet you need to download the applicable janet-<version>-src.{zip/tar.gz} build archive from the versions section and  decompress it to c:\janet. If you want to decompress the build archive to some other directory you have to change the paths defined in <janet>/build/build.properties accordingly.

During the build the RMI stubs for agent-to-agent communication have to be created. The required RMI compiler is only included in the JDK but not in the JRE. So you need to make sure that the JDK is installed and that the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to it. Building Janet requires apache ant, which is a platform independent standard build tool for Java-based development. You need to have version 1.6.1 or later installed. The following section describes how to install ant. If you already have ant installed you can skip to running build.

Installing Ant

  • Decompress it to your chosen destination.
  • Add it to the path for command line execution and set up environment variables to point to the JDK and ant:
Windows NT/2000/XP

Path and environment variables need to be placed in the registry. This can be done from the control panel. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > System and click on the Advanced tab. Add path and environment variables under Environment Variables ... in the System Variables list:
  • Make sure the PATH variable contains the ant path <ant>\bin.
  • Make sure the JAVA_HOME variable is set to point to your java installation directory.
  • Set the ANT_HOME variable to point to your ant installation directory.
  • The ANT_OPTS environment variable provides options to the JVM executing ant, such as memory configuration. If the build requires too much memory it can make the ant JVM crash. You can prevent this from happening (though this is unlikely to happen since the Janet build is relatively small) by increasing the initial Java heap size: set ANT_OPS to -Xmx500M.

When using the bash environment the the following lines have to be added to the profile (usually named .profile or .bash_profile):

export JAVA_HOME=<MyJDKInstallationDir>
export ANT_HOME=<MyANTInstallationDir>
export PATH=$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin
export ANT_OPS=-Xmx500M

The settings for the tcsh environment have a slightly different syntax (the .cshrc or .tcshrc files need to be edited):

setenv JAVA_HOME=<MyJDKInstallationDir>
setenv ANT_HOME=<MyANTInstallationDir>
setenv PATH=$PATH\:$ANT_HOME/bin\:$JAVA_HOME/bin
setenv ANT_OPS=-Xmx500M

  • Run java from the command line. If this is not a known command then either Java is not installed or the path is wrong.
  • Run ant -version from the command line. If ant is installed propperly something like "Apache Ant version 1.6.1 compiled on February 12 2004" will be printed to the console.

Running Build

Execute the following steps to build Janet:
  • Open a command shell an go to the directory <janet>/build. Start the batch-programm build.bat. An executable shell script for Unix is not provided so far. If working on a Unix system you have to execute the statement in <janet>/build/build.bat yourself manually.
  • Copy the jar files from <janet>/build/dist to <janet>/lib so that the built jar files become visible for the startup scripts in <janet>/bin.

 Version 1.0 beta 1.0  -  source compatibility JDK1.3

Note: Sources are compatible with JDK1.3. Warnings about use of deprecated API might occur when compiling with J2SE5.0 or later.